Ash Wednesday 2024 2-14-24

Feb 14, 2024

Lent is a season of 40 days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter). It comes from the ancient word lencten, which means “Spring.” Lent is a time for repentance and fasting and for remembering Jesus’ temptation by Satan in the wilderness.

Ash Wednesday emphasizes that we are immortal souls with very mortal bodies. As such we “remember that we are dust, and to dust we shall return.” The use of ashes imposed on our foreheads or the back of our hands is a powerful symbol for calling us to self-reflection and repentance.

Join us THIS Wednesday, February 14 at 6:30pm for this special service. 

****Kids activities for Kindergarten and under.